Wednesday 30 March 2011


Welcome to nanotechpatents! I created this blog to highlight key issues related to intellectual property (IP) and the science of nanotechnology.  There are many issues that permeate the landscape of nanotechnology patenting.  What constitutes prior art when it comes to an extremely interdisciplinary field like nanotech? Is there a "land-rush" of researchers and companies racing to the patent office to claim their stake in nano and how does this impact your research or company? What implications are there to claiming broadly? Are the examining staff trained to deal with this relatively new field? What type of rejections/objections can you expect to be raised during prosecution?  Researchers, start-up companies, big companies, venture capitalists etc. all have a stake in this growing technology sector.  With the estimated global economic impact predicted to be anywhere between 1 - 3 trillion dollars (yes that's a t) by 2015, nanotechnology is poised to be a real game changer when it comes to investments in technology.  If you are interested in keeping up-to-date in the IP issues that relate to nanotechnology then this is the place for you.  Stay tuned. Hope you enjoy.

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